School is management system designed to automate and manage any kind of education institutions like school, collage and traingin center. its multiuser and facilitates 8 types of user accounts.

Educational Institutions
- Front Office with Student Admission Lead Management
- Most Powerfull Fees Collection Module
- One Click Attendance
- Print Student Certificates, Letters, Student Id Cards, etc
- Create Homework Subject Wise then Eveluate Homewrok for Student
- Live Classroom - Zoom Meet
- Most Flexible Examination Module
Key Feature
Student Admission
Powerful student admission form add 400+ records for student including previous school details, Add student sublings RET, IDs and multiple documents to maintain complete record in studnet profile.
Multiple Language
VISIONSTEP School supports 73 Language globally, the only software to support such a huge number of languages parsent on eveato in education category.
Fees Collection
Most Advanced fees collection module avaliable on envato market, not jist invoicing completefess configuration including fees type, fees group, fees master, fees fine, due date.
Add Sibling
School support to add any no of siblings at time student admission. Parent can check their all childern on one parent account.
Promote Student
Promote student in next accadmic session based on pass or fail and continue/leaving school.
Search Student
Search by class-section ot any keyword like student name, adminssion no, father name, id no.
Student categories
Categories student in a class-section based on different criteria like caste theirskill ability etc.
School Expense
Record school expense like electrickty bil, telephone bill, miscellaneous bill, etc..
Student Attendance
Manage student attendance smartly in few clicks, get attendance report monthly class-section wist.
Complete examination management form create to exam schedule to marks entry to progress report wise grades.
Exam Schedule
schedule exam with start/end time exam room full marks and passing marks.
Library Management
Complete library management sysyem with books and members add, books issue/return.
School Transport
Manage School vehicle/bus/van, route and driver details.
Manage school hostel, hostel rooms with room types.
Get one shot student fees statement report.
Academic Session
Create unlimited acadmic sesion year wise.
Send Message to Student, Parent and Teacher through notice board